Terms & Conditions
When signing up for any subscription plans or paying in full for both one to one and group programs you are giving your consent to honor that payment and see it through, to the full payment without refund or termination of contract.
The reviews given by past clients and results promised by Ashen, are only examples of past results and the potentials the program offers each person is responsible for achieving their own results and these testimonials cannot be promised as guaranteed results for all clients. Each client’s results will vary based on their own comprehension and openness for the group content.
Clients results are subject to variations based on personal experience.
All content given in these programs may not be copied or replicated for resale in anyway, any content recordings may not be shared with anyone other than the person responsible for joining their own program. Ashen is not a psychologist and is not offering official diagnoses in anyway, any information she seeks to provide for you is subject to her own opinion solely. If you wish to receive professional psychological assistance, please do so.
Ashen agrees that your information will be confidential and that any group member or team member including Ashen, that you work with in these programs reserves the right for you to also keep all personal information confidential for them.
Code of Conduct
Clients must conduct themselves in a way that is conducive to Ashen's safety and well being, any sexual harassment, excessive aggression towards Ashen or unwillingness to work with Ashen (desire to let her help you and make the session work) within the context of your session will not be tolerated and under these circumstances ashen reserves the right to terminate your session without refund at any point, Ashen also reserves the right to identify when she feels this is happening and to act accordingly.
Psychic readings and other sessions
You agree that your session is subject to your own interpretation. You also agree to not hold Ashen liable for any information that is received during a coaching, reading or soul retrieval session. Any action you take as a consequence of any session is solely your responsibility.
Please keep in mind that because of ethical boundaries, Ashen will not answer questions about death or questions that are too intrusive or that can cause emotional, legal or physical danger to another person.
Ashen is not a psychologist, doctor or financial advisor. She will not diagnose, treat or cure medical or psychological conditions. She will not "heal" or "cure" you, she can only facilitate your energy healing.
Ashen is a Shaman, Extrasensory and coach. She will deliver the messages that your higher self or spirit guides give her and consider are more beneficial for you at this moment. She will do her best subject those messages to interpretation as accurately as she can. It is important to note that sometimes spirit does not give us the information we want to hear or even deliver it when we want to hear. We must trust that the information that is given at a particular time is what was meant to be given. This means that we cannot demand or force spirit to answer certain questions as it has it's own consciousness. Readings do not have to be 100% accurate.
Contact Information
Once you have completed your booking, please be sure to check your inbox for your booking receipt, which contains important details about your session.
Please enter the correct contact information on the booking form when scheduling a session. To avoid any confusion, it is important to check your Skype username, email and/or phone number for any punctuation or special characters.
All sales are final upon purchase. Please make sure that you are available for the date and time that you have scheduled your appointment. If you need to cancel a session that you have already scheduled, you must give at least 24 hours notice prior to your original scheduled booking time in order to be eligible for a reschedule. Cancellation and rescheduling requests must be sent via email to ashenwolfstarseed@gmail.com or using the acuity scheduling link that you used to book your session.
Ashen may also request a reschedule of any session and will seek to do so 24 hours in advance, any missed appointments or rescheduled sessions do not validate any change to your contract with Ashen and will result only in changing the date and time of the appointment in question.
Ashen respects her clients time and schedules and will attempt her best to follow through with the original given appointments scheduled and will not ask for a reschedule without valid reason.
Redeeming packages and unused sessions
All discounted packages must be redeemed within a six month period unless otherwise agreed upon and communicated with Ashen in advance.