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Join our next Shamanic Shadow work Ceremony

Women's Healing Circle

Water and Earth Ceremony

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Experience this empowerment and manifestation ceremony . Empowerment is simply: a paradigm you hold in your body or a self concept it is knowing whether you can get what you want and intentionally create. This goes hand and hand with Manifestation: to intentionally create what you want. Every thought, idea, action, choice you make effects your universal mirroring and will change the timelines you are a match to as well as birth more: thoughts, people, places, things that will continue to spread a domino affect of difference in your life. Taking one powerful step forward makes all the difference and this shamanic ceremony is all about just that. 


let's take a deeper look at what we will do together

When: September 6th 6pm-9pm 
Where: West Island of Montreal Venue to be released to ticket holders

We always start a Shamanic ceremony off by creating a circle where we introduce ourselves and share our intentions and what we are looking to get out of a ceremony in this case overcome. 

This is the first portal or opening. We are accessing the frequency of conscious community connection to raise the overall portal and frequency for all. We will share some ceremonial grade cacao in order to open our hearts.


The second Portal is going to be nature, we will meet by the water and with forest around us. Mother Earth is a conscious being made up of powerful frequency and we will entrain our vibration with hers. 


As Shamans, Marie and Ashen use the spirits of the earth and universe to channel an unfolding of energy and power inside this gateway or doorway of frequency, we use nature and the elements as a form of vibration we channel their consciousness and use them to help us create energy healing as well as physical experience healing through exercises.

What is physical experience healing? Well just like you heal the energy levels, the body itself can also be healed and learn through interaction, experience and action.


This brings me to our third portal: Somatic experiencing we will both use soma (body) experiencing to help release emotional wounding of disempowerment through shamanic journeying and release exercises as well as Soul Retrivel. We will then use Somatic embodiment exercises to proclaim a new version of self through body language voice and dance. We will create a circle share where we both share our releasing and what we have been working on and Marie and Ashen will help you create a new concept of what empowerment would look like in your life. We will work with the Solar Plexus body and then we will create a manifestation exercise to seal the intentions off.

The Frequency of our Shamanic Portal that Marie and Ashen have opened (during opening ceremony) as well as the participation of each person channeling and creating an enhanced energy field will have raised our frequency to 5D earth. This will open up the potential and power of manifestation ten fold for your vision and new version of self to be born. Life is a process, we don't want you to expect immediate magic fairy dust changes, this is a grounded, real, lasting tangible life change that you will begin to notice with time. The real immediate change will be a sense of inner power and awareness you did not have before and an increased sense of well being.


Your Contribution to Attend and receive this Ceremony is normally $150CAD as a part of our special early bird offering you can get entrance to our next ceremony for $100.

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If you would like to attend our next ceremony you can Apply here.

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