What is it that Ashen does?
How is Ashen different
Lets talk about Ashen's approach and unique capacity in her break through sessions.

what is a break through session?
Ashen loves to start sessions off with a listening ear, getting to know her clients as they come, in first sessions this is the time to get to know them for the first time and discover specific needs, triggers and the individualized experience. Establish safety and rapport. Within multiple session containers after this has been established this is used to catch up, with clients see how their sessions have changed things, what it has brought up what's going on that's in their current reality and reestablishing connection.
Elements to a break through session
The next major step Ashen puts attention on is identifying the problem, trigger or desired out come of the session and find our focus. This is implemented with a clear direction of the clients own freewill and feelings in correspondence with Ashen's suggestions. . From there we will move on to establishing the correct method for processing necessary for starting the session this could be any Kind of Ashen's Modalities she has been certified or created through self taught excellence including : The Completion Process by Teal Swan (certified CPCP), Parts Work, pure emotional presence, connection oriented healing, Hypnotherapy(certified by the INLP Centre), Breath Work taught in her Hypnotherapist certification program, somatic healing and trauma release exercises, NLP (under going certifications). Shamanism certified, Extrasensory Heart Space Coaching. Any other shadow work variant or tool available to her (endless tool box of exercises and techniques).
Ashen will identify and discuss with the client Which tool for the highest outcome of potential healing and best approach to help the very most as well as the most attuned empowering and self loving technique in the clients highest and best interest.

The next phase: time to identify any blocks, ego, blind spots or resistance keeping cover of and hiding protecting the deepest layers of the internal system, the deepest layers of connection openness and availability for Ashen and client to be able to access the very root and core layers. She may use any one of the techniques listed above or resolve the resistance directly in order to have full access to the desired healing modalities effects on the issue at hand.
What's next?
we create a new you
Resistance can't stump a Ninja
Ashen is incredibly Attuned to her clients
The driving force of Ashen's Work and abilities is found within her Heart Space, Ashen is a deep reflection of gratitude, joy, care, compassion and Love. Within her heart she can see you, feel you, hear you and understand you like you have never been received before. Within our hearts is any information necessary on how you are feeling, what's going on in your internal world, what is needed or not needed in that moment. It is also direct information on what you can't see about the session what happened to you and what your healing is because of it.
Unique qualities of Ashen's Work
Below are a list of only a few of the elements Ashen will bring to these modalities in a way no one else ever has the way she does.

Mental Chess
Mental Chess is about an ability to see both blocks within ego or a part of self, trauma and solutions.

Hold multiple perspectives
Ashen's mind and nervous system works in a way that she holds the capacity to hold 11 + different thought streams at a time, so if she finds a block she can save it in the files, go around it into a solution and come back to the original problem with a solution or keep building as necessary by keeping track of past.

cycles of healing
Keeping track of past issues, current issues and the full story all at once on what is occurring, unresolved and still needed in the healing process allows for new elements to be added in and the ability to come back around a corner as many times as needed while always building up.

Working through all the Layers
Ashen's ability to identify issues and find a way around allows access to all layers of healing needed.

Awareness of full spectrum healing
Ashen knows how to take her clients from all the layers of healing up into layers of empowerment, Quantum change, self love, free will.

Ashen has an incredible ability to take the healing done and show clients what is needed to implement the full healing and resolution into oriented action steps in their life and relationships.